Finpecia 150片(15片x10) / 150天 Finasteride 最受歡迎、最有效的生髮口服藥
Finpecia 150片(15片x10) / 150天 Finasteride 最受歡迎、最有效的生髮口服藥
Expiry Date
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【產品規格】 大盒包裝,每盒150片(15板×10片)。每片含量為1MG Finasteride。
【服用方法】 口服:1mg/次,1次/天,3個月為一療程。【有效日期】2026/02
-1MG Finasteride,柔沛 Propecia 和波期卡 Proscar 最完美替代產品,享受較低價格的同時再也不用為了切分而煩惱了。
由印度廠家Cipla生產,因為印度國家的法律衡量產品專利標準是製作方法而非產品成分,所以印度可以生產很多歐美國家的專利產品,除了針對男性脂溢型脫 髮的專利產品Finpecia外,像「威而剛」等很多西方國家的專利產品,都可以在印度買到相同配方的低廉替代品。
大家聽到印度的廠家可能會有些懷疑,這就像老外看到中國的產品就會懷疑質量是否過關一樣,是偏見和不瞭解造成的。大 家可以在Google上搜索下 Finpecia或Cipla,Finpecia由於使用方便,價格較低廉,在歐美、日本等地有眾多發友使用,也有良好的反饋。Cipla是著名的印度上 市企業,也是歐洲認可的非本土最大的產品供應商,同時與美國的大型治藥企業也有著長期的合作。
發表於 2007年2月10日
我由去年十月份開始,每天服用Finpecia及Rogaine泡沫生髮水(生髮水每日使用兩次),到現在已經有4 至5個月了。我開始的時候是使用Kirkland的生髮水,但我感覺使用它後,頭會比較油,後來就轉用Rogaine泡沫生髮水,我已用了大概6個星期 了,覺得非常好用。(注:從上文下理推斷,Oliver在治療的4~5個月中,開始時是一直使用Kirkland生髮水,在後來的6個星期才開始轉用 Rogaine泡沫生髮水的)
治療4~5個月後的照片 (拍於2007年2月10日)
發表於 2007年10月23日
Finasteride Tablets USP
Each film-coated tablet contains:
Finasteride USP ............... 1 mg
Colours: Titanium Dioxide and Quinoline Yellow WS
Film-coated Tablet
Finasteride, a synthetic 4- azasteroid compound, is a specific inhibitor of 5 alpha- reductase, an intracellular enzyme that converts androgenic testosterone into 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Administration of finasteride 1 mg decreases scalp and serum DHT concentration, increased amounts of which are thought to be responsible for male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia).
In a study in 15 healthy young male subjects, the mean bioavailability of finasteride
1 mg tablets was 65% (range: 26–170%), based on the ratio of area under the curve (AUC) relative to an intravenous reference dose. At steady state following dosing with 1 mg/day (n=12), maximum finasteride plasma concentration averaged 9.2 ng/mL (range: 4.9–13.7 ng/mL) and was reached 1 to 2 hours post-dose. Bioavailability of finasteride was not affected by food.
Mean steady-state volume of distribution was 76 litres (range: 44–96 litres; n=15). Approximately 90% of circulating finasteride is bound to plasma proteins. There is a slow accumulation phase for finasteride after multiple dosing.
Finasteride has been found to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Semen levels have been measured in 35 men taking finasteride 1 mg/day for 6 weeks and in 60% (21 of 35) of the samples, finasteride levels were undetectable (<0.2 ng/mL). The mean finasteride level was 0.26 ng/mL and the highest level measured was 1.52 ng/mL. Using the highest semen level measured and assuming 100% absorption from a 5 mL ejaculate per day, human exposure through vaginal absorption would be up to 7.6 ng per day, which is 750 times lower than the exposure from the no-effect dose for developmental abnormalities in Rhesus monkeys and 650-fold less than the dose of finasteride (5 μg), which had no effect on circulating DHT levels in men.
Finasteride is extensively metabolized in the liver, primarily via the cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme subfamily. Two metabolites, the t-butyl side chain monohydroxylated and monocarboxylic acid metabolites, have been identified that possess no more than 20% of the 5alpha-reductase inhibitory activity of finasteride.
Following an oral dose of 14 C-finasteride in men (n=6), a mean of 39% (range: 32–46%) of the dose was excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites; 57% (range: 51–64%) was excreted in the faeces.
Mean terminal half-life is approximately 5 to 6 hours in men, 18 to 60 years of age, and 8 hours in men more than 70 years of age.
FINPECIAis indicated for the treatment of male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) inMEN ONLY. Safety and efficacy have been demonstrated in men between the ages of 18 to 41 years with mild to moderate hair loss of the vertex and anterior mid-scalp area.FINPECIAis not indicated in women and children.
The recommended dosage is 1 mg once a day, with or without meals. In general, daily use for 3 months or more is necessary before benefit is observed. Continued use is recommended to sustain benefits. Withdrawal of treatment leads to a reversal of effect within 12 months.
Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formulation.FINPECIAuse is contraindicated in women when they are or may potentially be pregnant.
Drug Interaction
No drug interactions of clinical importance have been identified. Finasteride does not appear to affect the cytochrome P450-linked drug metabolizing enzyme system. Compounds that have been tested in men include antipyrine, digoxin, propranolol, theophylline, and warfarin and no interactions were found.
Renal Impairment
No dosage adjustments are required.
Hepatic Impairment
To be used with caution since finasteride is metabolized extensively in the liver.
Pregnancy Category X
Women should not handle crushed or brokenFINPECIAtablets when they are pregnant or may potentially be pregnant because of the possibility of absorption of finasteride and the subsequent potential risk to a male foetus.
It is not known whether finasteride is excreted in human milk.
Paediatric Use
FINPECIA is not indicated for use in paediatric patients.
FINPECIAis generally well tolerated and side effects have usually been mild and transient. These include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculation disorders (primarily, decreased volume of ejaculate), breast tenderness and enlargement, hypersensitivity reactions, including rash, pruritus, urticaria, and swelling of the lips and face, and testicular pain.
In clinical studies, single doses of finasteride up to 400 mg and multiple doses of finasteride up to 80 mg/day for 3 months did not result in adverse reactions. Until further experience is obtained, no specific treatment for an overdose with finasteride can be recommended.
Significant lethality was observed in male and female mice at single oral doses of
1,500 mg/m2(500 mg/kg) and in female and male rats at single oral doses of
2,360 mg/m2(400 mg/kg) and 5,900 mg/m 2 (1,000 mg/kg), respectively.
3 years
Store in a dry place at room temperature.
FINPECIA Tablets Blister pack of 10 tablets
A: Both Propecia and Finpecia contain the active ingredient Finasteride 1mg. Finpecia is manufactured in India by the company Cipla. It comes in packets of 10. Finpecia contains the same chemical ingredient as Propecia, i.e. 1mg of Finasteride, but it is manufactured differently. In addition, it is less expensive.
Indian patent law allows companies in India to make medications that are patented by drug companies in other countries, since Indian law protects only the processes by which drugs are made and not medication itself. Therefore, if an Indian company finds another way to make a drug, it can legally do so.